
Get $100 off on WhatsApp business solution from Gallabox

Close deals faster using WhatsApp

Welcome your leads, nurture them and convert them into customers by leveraging the WhatsApp business automation solution provided by Gallabox. Gallabox is a no-code conversational platform built on WhatsApp API to help your business manage and automate all your customer conversations.

Key Features

Personalized WhatsApp chatbots, for all business use cases, to instantly engage with customers
Shared team inbox that brings all customer conversations on Whatsapp into a central dashboard
Broadcast campaigns that help send promotional messages to targeted customers, on WhatsApp
Seamless integration with CRM, ecommerce and other available third party platforms


  • This offer is valid for Visa customers in Central Europe, Middle East and Africa.
  • This offer is applicable on the 12-month subscription of Gallabox’s Scale plan.
  • You should have a working business website and live Facebook business page for verification purposes.
  • Gallabox will facilitate getting WhatsApp Official APIs for integration. Gallabox will not guarantee the APIs as it is governed by WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy.
  • Other WhatsApp Usage charges are to be paid by the Visa Client as per WhatsApp Pricing. Note: WhatsApp offers 1000 free conversations per month while this is subject to changes based on Meta’s pricing update.
  • Post 1000 conversations, Visa Customers can opt for Gallabox’s prepaid credits. Based on consumption, customers can recharge their prepaid credits.
  • Visa customers should pay Gallabox through their Visa card via Stripe Payment Gateway.
  • Fill up the signup form and our team will get back to you with the promotional code.
  • This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offers.

Instantly boost your business results with Gallabox


Gallabox has significantly helped us in streamlining our entire communication. WhatsApp is the most common platform for communication, this makes Gallabox a very powerful tool! We were able to make WhatsApp a central communication channel for our company.

Chirag B

Founder of LivingStone Stays


Awesome support team! Gallabox's Customer Success team is very responsive and ready to help if we have any questions. This is a huge differentiator for us since we deal with hundreds of live customer conversations and timely support is needed.

A. Kamalahasan

Managing Director for Jobstar

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