Choosing WhatsApp Marketing Software: A Buyer's Guide
Choosing WhatsApp Marketing Software: A Buyer's Guide

Choosing WhatsApp Marketing Software: A Buyer's Guide

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

Table of Contents

"TechEd Innovators", a flourishing ed-tech company, was suddenly navigating choppy waters.

Despite their best efforts, they struggle to keep their heads above the rising tide of marketing spend. Operating on a shoestring budget, they're limited to legacy tools like online forms, spreadsheets, and emails for managing outreach.

A far cry from effective, even genuinely interested students abandon their lead forms, perturbed by the outdated setup. Once lively avenues for interactivity, chat conversations are scattered and disjointed across various platforms.

As their operational efficiency is in a downward spiral, it is critical to realise that their predicament is neither new nor uncommon.

And... there is always a beacon of hope!

Growing businesses that invest in WhatsApp Marketing Software often reap abundant benefits as it helps them manoeuvre through market complexities and drive marketing ROI to new heights.

A beauty brand saw 200% growth in year-over-year sales attributable to their WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns!

In this article, we'll dive deep to discuss what is WhatsApp Marketing, its pros and cons, its undeniable list of benefits, and how to find the right WhatsApp Marketing tool that fits your unique business needs.

What Is WhatsApp Marketing Software?

WhatsApp Marketing Software is not your run-of-the-mill online marketing instrument.

A WhatsApp Marketing Solution taps into the vast network of WhatsApp users to deliver personalised content directly to potential target segments. Unlike traditional marketing tools, it incorporates the convenience of direct messaging alongside powerful marketing mechanisms to provide a more immersive and efficient marketing experience.

In the case of "TechEd Innovators," WhatsApp Marketing helped streamline their conversations and enabled them to connect with students, prospects, and customers more meaningfully.

WhatsApp Marketing Software: Pros and Cons

Every tool has strengths and weaknesses, and WhatsApp Marketing Software is no exception. To make an informed decision, you need to weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.

So, let's look at the pros that position WhatsApp Marketing Software as a favourable marketing choice, alongside the cons, to consider whether you need to integrate it into your marketing operations. 

Real-Time Communication: WhatsApp facilitates instant communication with customers and prospects, making interactions personal.Mobile App Restriction: WhatsApp marketing requires the recipient to have the mobile app, limiting its reach to smartphone users.
High Open Rates: Unlike emails, texts on WhatsApp are unlikely to be ignored, resulting in high opening rates.Conversational Pricing: While the conversational pricing model may appear straightforward, you may incur additional costs.
Click-to-WhatsApp-Ads: The option to route prospects from their Meta Ads directly to their WhatsApp Business Profile enables conversions.Spam Restrictions: Businesses must be careful not to violate WhatsApp's policy, as violations lead to account suspension or banning.
Rich Features: WhatsApp allows the sharing of voice notes, images, videos, GIFs, and documents, giving room for innovative marketing techniques.Free-for-All Platform: The lack of business-exclusive features can mean competing with noise from numerous other non-business communications.

Plugging the Gap: Why Do You Need WhatsApp Marketing Software

As the pressure on marketing teams mounts, the lack of efficient technologies like WhatsApp Marketing Software can exacerbate present challenges.

To be blunt, marketing teams looking for ways to optimise cost while amping up their marketing results cannot depend on a handful of channels and need to embrace the new kids on the block with potential like WhatsApp Marketing.  

  • Time Wasted on Repetitive Queries: The time your team spends answering repetitive questions is the amount of time they lose in lead nurturing and conversion.
  • The Rift between MQLs and SQLs: Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) vs. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) is an old battle. The lack of proper qualification and attribution can create friction between your sales and marketing teams.
  • Hot Leads and Delayed Responses: Let's face it - even hot leads become disengaged with time. Delayed responses can not only reduce lead conversion rates, but also impact customer engagement negatively.
  • Fragmented and Siloed Operations: A scattered marketing operational process followed by manual reconciliation is every marketer's nightmare. As it becomes impossible to determine the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.
  • The Task of Doing More with Less: In the realm of shrinking marketing budgets, you need to hustle harder and find other avenues to repurpose your existing resources wisely or find yourselves in deep trouble.

If any of these circumstances sound similar, then a WhatsApp Marketing Tool may be your one-stop solution.  

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Exploring the Different Types of WhatsApp Marketing Software

The field of WhatsApp marketing is wide-ranging and dynamic, offering a variety of software types to cater to varied business needs.

From WhatsApp bulk messaging tools to end-to-end Marketing Automation Tools, these different solutions provide unique features and benefits to enhance and streamline marketing operations. 

Bulk WhatsApp Marketing SoftwareAllows marketers to send mass messages to audiences, ideal for widespread campaigns and communications
Click-to-WhatsApp-Ads SolutionEnables businesses to increase ad conversions by directing prospects to their WhatsApp Business API
WhatsApp Group Marketing SoftwareEmpowers businesses with group management capabilities, perfect for community building and targeted messaging
Drip Marketing Software for WhatsAppEnables the design and execution of automated, timed sequences of messages for long-term engagements
WhatsApp Marketing Automation SoftwareProvides automation capabilities ranging from auto-responses to lead qualification, enhancing operational efficiency

1. Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software

A WhatsApp Bulk Sender, like Trueline, help businesses spreading their message to a broad set of audience.

  • Ideal for: Large-scale campaigns, announcements, and general communications.
  • Example: University sending mass WhatsApp messages to all its students about an upcoming event.

2. Click-to-WhatsApp-Ads Software

For businesses requiring more creative control in their campaigns, WhatsApp advertising software such as Gallabox CTWA offers great potential.

  • Ideal for: Businesses looking to amplify their ad conversions and optimise spend.
  • Example: A healthcare brand running a paid ad campaign targeting people with a unique health condition, offering the opportunity to initiate interactions.

3. WhatsApp Group Marketing Solution

Community building is crucial in the conversational era, and WhatsApp group marketing software like facilitates this.

  • Ideal for: Businesses that are looking to create a sense of community among customers and boost brand loyalty.
  • Example: A new food brand that wants to boost its discoverability on WhatsApp with an engaging channel and initiatives.

4. Drip Marketing Software for WhatsApp

Drip marketing software for WhatsApp, such as Interakt or AiSensy, enables businesses to engage customers over a period of time with timed sequences of messages.

  • Ideal for: Businesses that have a large database of prospects who need to be nurtured and nudged towards conversion.
  • Example: A coaching centre sending a series of study tips and reminders leading up to a crucial exam, keeping their engagement strategic yet effective.

5. WhatsApp Marketing Automation Software

WhatsApp marketing automation software like Gallabox can streamline numerous tasks and increase marketing efficiency. With abilities ranging from providing auto-responses to performing lead qualification, it's easy to see how this kind of software can free up valuable marketing resources.

  • Ideal for: Businesses of all sizes that are looking for ways to make the most out of their marketing campaigns while improving efficiency and optimising costs.
  • Example: A cosmetic line that wants to create interactive, personal experiences to boost loyalty and revenue with WhatsApp Marketing.

Raising the Bar: Must-Have Features for Your WhatsApp Marketing Automation Software

How Gallabox Internal Teams Use Gallabox - Gallabox Blog
The Gallabox team is uniquely positioned to show how to use Gallabox because we built it. Here’s how we stretch its limits with our insider knowledge.

Before we delve into the specifics, it's important to consider the breadth and capability of an ideal WhatsApp marketing software.

Filled to brim with a set of versatile features—from broadcasting to chatbots, and smart integrations to rich content, this tool embodies the heart and soul of efficient, effective marketing. 

  1. Bulk Broadcasts: Through broadcasting, mass messages are disseminated to your entire contact list or particular groups, significantly simplifying the process of large-scale announcements or promotional campaigns.
  2. CTWA Campaigns: The 'Click to WhatsApp' feature lets your audience initiate a WhatsApp chat with just a click, taking customer convenience a level higher.
  3. Automated Chatbots: Say goodbye to manual responses; a chatbot can handle queries, provide instant replies, and does not require sleep, making it operational 24/7.
  4. Ready to Use Templates: Pre-designed templates remove the hassle of creating messages from scratch and speed up your response time.
  5. Drip Marketing Messages: Schedule your marketing messages or drip-feed them over time to maintain regular contact with your audience without overwhelming them.
  6. Contact Import & Management: Save, organise and manage all contacts in one place, making them accessible and usable within the software.
  7. Visual-Rich Content: Engage your audience deeply with audio-visual content because sometimes, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words!
  8. Targeted Segmentation: Don't treat your audience as a monolith; segment them based on their preferences, activity, or any criteria you deem fit. Personalised messages result in higher engagement rates.
  9. Actionable Analytics: Analytics offer deep insights into customer behaviour, engagement and response patterns, making it easier to fine-tune your marketing strategies.
  10. Seamless Integrations: A good WhatsApp marketing software will work in harmony with your existing systems, from CRM to accounting tools, creating a seamless, integrated workflow.

Your dream WhatsApp marketing software should possess all these features and more, culminating in a tool that not just meets but exceeds your marketing expectations.

Your 10-Point Checklist for Choosing the Right WhatsApp Marketing Software

WhatsApp marketing software is flooded with innumerable solutions, each presenting a unique bouquet of offerings.

Erroneous decisions can impact your marketing efficacy and budget drastically.

To guide you in your quest, here's a list of questions that you need to ponder over before zeroing in on your pick of WhatsApp Marketing Tool:

  1. Is the WhatsApp Marketing Software user-friendly and straightforward to implement?
  2. Does the solution include all the requisite features like WhatsApp Flows and Chatbots, or should you need to buy feature bundles separately?
  3. Is the pricing transparent, with no hidden or unwelcome surprises detailing everything from per-user charges to conversational pricing?
  4. Does the provider of your choice offer reliable technical support with proper SLA and instant responses?
  5. Are there templates ready to be used for messages, sequences, chatbots, flows, and more?
  6. Does the WhatsApp Marketing Tool offer a set of standard analytics for bots, flows, and other modules?
  7. Can you customise and personalise your experience without requiring any intricate coding skills?
  8. How robust is the solution's integration capability? Do they have a marketplace of plug-and-play integrations?
  9. Is the software provide flexible with their plans? Can you upscale or downscale your plan based on your needs?
  10. Does the WhatsApp Marketing Software Cendor have an established and satisfied customer base?

Take a discerning approach for choosing a WhatsApp marketing solution that is tailored to your specific needs can save you a ton of money, time, and effort.

Leading the Pack: 7 Top WhatsApp Marketing Software in 2024

As the digital marketing landscape evolves, WhatsApp Marketing Tools are increasingly gaining prominence. With 2024 having seen a surge in their adoption, we've identified seven popular WhatsApp marketing software that are making waves in the industry. 

1. GallaboxUser-friendly interface and cost-effective with excellent customer support, highly recommended by 1500+ businesses.Requires an initial learning curve.
2. TruelineFeature-rich, efficient WhatsApp bulk broadcast software that allows businesses to send unlimited multimedia messages.The interface looks outdated and complex.
3. WappblasterEnables businesses to send unlimited bulk messages on WhatsApp, making it perfectly suitable for large campaigns.Lacks advanced analytical capabilities.
4. RapboosterLoved for its capabilities like multiple WhatsApp numbers and customisation, stands out with its digital marketing consultation.The interface might seem a bit complex for beginners.
5. BusinessOnBotKnown for its efficient automation capabilities. Considered to be excellent for lead qualification use cases.Customisation options need improvement.
6. DelightChatOffers good segmentation of target audience and out-of-the-box, third-party integration capabilities.Subscription plans are slightly pricier.
7. BiteSpeedKnown for its quick setup and ease of use in setting up, sending, and measuring WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns.Lacks in-depth customer engagement capabilities.

1. Gallabox

A Snapshot of How Payment Collection Works on Gallabox with Razorpay Integration

Gallabox is an AI-powered WhatsApp Marketing Software that helps businesses have meaningful conversations with their prospects and customers at scale. With Gallabox, customers like Propleaf experience a surge in not just leads but business profits.

As conversion rates skyrocket, businesses of all sizes can amplify their marketing ROI with ads that click to WhatsApp from Meta. By promptly answering an interested prospect and keeping them engaged, Gallabox Customers improve their conversion rate and conversational marketing metrics.

Set Up Your New WhatsApp Business API Account in 5 Steps - Gallabox Blog
This is a comprehensive guide on how to make the most out of Gallabox and set up the account in five simple steps with reference documentation.
  1. Intelligent Chatbots: Keep your customers and prospects engaged 24/7 with WhatsApp Chatbot.
  2. Shared Team Inbox: Track and manage all your conversations in one place and break down data silos.
  3. WhatsApp Flows: Create intuitive WhatsApp forms that meet your unique business requirements.
  4. Bulk Broadcast: Spark engagement and conversions with segmented bulk broadcasting campaigns.
  5. ChatGPT on WhatsApp: Craft your WhatsApp responses by tapping into the power of ChatGPT.
  6. Drip Marketing: Plan ahead and schedule a WhatsApp drip marketing campaign with Sequence.
  7. Get Paid on WhatsApp: Collect payments using Native WhatsApp Payments or third-party integration.
  8. Seamless Integrations: Connect your existing tech stack from CRM to Analytics tool with Gallabox.

2. Trueline

Bulk Whatsapp Marketing Software Logo
Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software Offered by Trueline Solutions

Known for its commendable bulk broadcasting service, Trueline happens to be one of the best options out there for mass WhatsApp messaging. This Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Tool simplifies segmentation and caters to data-driven industries that demand precision at scale.


  • Allows users to verify and filter mobile numbers effortlessly.
  • Helps users control the speed of message delivery with features.
  • Facilitates the addition of time delay, sleep control, and more.


  • Some customer reviews claim that after-sales service is subpar.
  • The outdated user interface is said to be challenging to get used to.

3. Wappblaster

Two laptops displaying Wappblaster's desktop app interface.
A Screenshot of How the Wappblaster Interface Looks

Customers love Wappblaster's bulk broadcasting feature that allows them to send unlimited messages to not just mobile numbers on WhatsApp but also WhatsApp Groups in one go. Additionally, it offers power-packed features like polling options and multimedia elements (PDF, videos, images, and more).


  • The best solution for businesses that want to send 4-5k messages a day.
  • Easy to identify the deliverability of the broadcast campaigns with open rates.
  • Improves lead generation with interactive messages like videos and images.


  • Its continuous messaging capabilities are said to trigger spam filters.
  • The daily messaging limits can be irksome for people planning big campaigns.

4. RapBooster

RapBooster Software - 1
Source: Capterra Page of RapBooster

RapBooster's WhatsApp Marketing Solution helps businesses engage their existing and potential customers on WhatsApp. Focusing on solving the day-to-day challenges of GTM teams, this tool enables businesses to blast bulk messages, import and manage contacts and track and analyse marketing campaigns.


  • Its features like SpinText, Delay, and Sleep offer anti-blocking properties.
  • Supports multi-channel campaigning and message-switching capabilities.
  • The built-in templates and targeting tools make campaign creation a breeze.


  • It's continuous messaging capabilities are said to trigger spam filters.
  • The daily messaging limits can be irksome for people planning big campaigns.

5. BusinessOnBot

BusinessonBot's dashboard app shown on the web app.
A representation of how BusinessonBot's dashboard looks

BusinessOnBot excels in helping businesses acquire customers and sell on WhatsApp. The best part is that its automation capabilities are not limited to auto-replies; it also has scheduling features and a bot library, giving businesses the convenience to automate repetitive tasks and focus on strategies.


  • Focusing on e-commerce, they've built a great experience for online sellers.
  • Their chatbots could switch between multiple languages seamlessly.
  • They've built strong integration with top e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magneto, Woocommerce, and more.


  • Their support is often deemed as unresponsive and elusive to customer problems.
  • While they've built a good experience for D2C brands, they've a massive gap in other industries.

6. DelightChat

A screen of Delightchat displaying various channels available like live chat, email, and WhatsApp focusing on how and where to add a new support channel
An image that shows how to add WhatsApp Business API on DelightChat

DelightChat, as the name suggests, aims to provide delightful chat experiences. It provides a robust communication channel, combining automated responses with real-time tracking to serve customers and prospects swiftly and efficiently. It also offers tailor-made marketing tools for Instagram and other platforms.


  • Provides a unified analytical dashboard for all the Meta platforms.
  • Offers actionable insights through custom reports and data analytics.
  • It's easy to use and the support team is always responsive and helpful.


  • It appears that notifications are not highlighted sometimes which could lead to missed opportunities.
  • Businesses often report that customers don't receive their ideal order information, leading to confusion.

7. BiteSpeed

A visual overview of BiteSpeed's Bulk Message Segmenting feature
A visual overview of BiteSpeed's Bulk Message Segmenting feature

BiteSpeed guarantees to quicken the pace of your marketing game with its WhatsApp Marketing functionalities. Its analytics arsenal aids businesses in making informed decisions and refining marketing strategies. Also, it allows visual-rich content sharing, boosting consumer engagement.


  • It helps in retargeting abandoned carts on WhatsApp Business.
  • Customers find it to be an ideal app for automating WhatsApp notifications.
  • Reviews claim that this tool helps them improve performance marketing ROI.


  • Offers only WhatsApp Support and is unavailable in other channels.
  • It's shared inbox appears to be in a nascent stage and said to malfunction at times.

Making the Right Choice: The Importance of Selecting the Best WhatsApp Marketing Software

Taking a leap from traditional marketing tools to a more streamlined route like WhatsApp Marketing Software can ultimately determine whether a company flourishes or flounders in today's competitive startup landscape. 

Each solution has its own unique capabilities to cater to a variety of marketing needs. The decision lies on assessing these considerations alongside the must-have features your business requires from automated messages to ready-to-use templates. 

Finding a balance between cost, implementation ease, flexibility, available technical support and other crucial factors can transform your engagement and connectivity with your audience, fostering a better and more productive space for business growth. 

For your marketing team and stakeholders, any decision you make will be pivotal in making your marketing process a sweet, harmonious symphony rather than an out-of-tune jumble.

Therefore, it is extremely vital to do the required research, measure the pros and cons, and choose a WhatsApp Marketing Platform that wraps around your business needs like a glove. 

As an ending note, we are pleased to offer our readers a 7-day, no strings attached free trial of Gallabox, our most recommended user-friendly and cost-effective tool.

So why wait?

Dive in and see for yourself how the right WhatsApp Marketing Software can elevate your marketing operations and take your business to the next level.

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

Shivasankari BhuvaneswaranTwitter

Content Strategist | Storyteller | Copywriter | SEO Enthusiast | Tone of Voice Consultant | Writing Coach | All Things Content @ Gallabox |