
Maximizing Conversions and Streamlining Support: Hugg's Transformation with Gallabox

Here's the awe-inspiring tale of how Hugg boosted efficiency, enhanced customer support, and multiplied conversion rates with Gallabox.


Improvement in Click-to-WhatsApp

ad conversion rates


Increase in conversion rates for

first-time customers


Growth in number of orders

after using Gallabox flows

Pain Points 🥲

  • Inability to convert leads from ads
  • Struggling to hold on to existing customers
  • Inflexible WhatsApp automation platform
  • The overflowing Spreadsheet nightmare

Results 🤩

  • 37% improvement in Click-to-WhatsApp ad conversion rates
  • 30% increase in conversion rates for first-time customers
  • 20% growth in number of orders after using Gallabox flows

The Tale of Hugg Beverages

Hugg Beverages is a bold D2C venture brought to life by two remarkably innovative siblings, Harsh and Tanvi. Believe it or not, these two haven't swallowed a pill in over eight years! While it may sound unbelievable, this duo firmly stands by the mantra of 'Food is Medicine' and medicine is, well, not always necessary.

Why opt for a chemical cocktail when your daily sustenance can keep you fighting fit? According to research, around 50-60% of those ghastly tablets we consume across our lifetimes (totalling an eye-watering 14,000) are, quite frankly, superfluous. So, armed with this belief, Harsh and Tanvi launched Hugg.

Their daring mission? To provide gutsy alternatives to conventional medicine with their range of 100% authentic, ingredient-packed beverages. They are giving pesky digestive issues a run for their money using the secret weapon of traditional Indian ingredients. These drinks don't just tickle our taste buds, they deliver some seriously measurable results.

Challenges Encountered by Hugg

Managing a booming beverage business has never been a walk in the park, and Hugg sure had its fair share of roadblocks.

Inability to convert leads from ads

Hugg was like a child in a candy store, surrounded by an alluring array of possibilities but unable to turn them into profitable sales. However, their previous WhatsApp Automation Tool failed them, like a deflated party balloon that promised much but delivered little.

Struggling to hold on to existing customers

Keeping existing customers happy was a herculean task. Customer support was as automated as a manual car wash, and boosting team productivity was like trying to coax a snail into a sprint. Acquiring new customers was a hill they had yet to climb, with their conversion rate barely reaching 10%

Inflexible WhatsApp automation platform

Hugg’s team was eager to make things happen, but they were hampered by an unimaginative, inflexible, and feature-poor WhatsApp Automation tool. The sparkle in their team’s eyes faded as they struggled to make the best of a bad situation by trying to integrate their existing tech stack manually with the platform.

The overflowing Spreadsheet nightmare

Hugg was in the midst of customer response chaos and they had absolutely no way to collect customer feedback. To make matters worse, Google Sheets was uncooperative, like an ex who refuses to communicate. There was no way to know for sure if our lovely customers were even receiving responses, or if they were disappearing into the void.

Hugg's Partnership with Gallabox for WhatsApp Automation

Hugg was struggling to find ways to streamline their ad management, eliminate inefficiencies, and reduce costs. Gallabox, a WhatsApp business automation solution, offered them all the tools they needed to achieve their goals.

Gallabox allows growing businesses like Hugg to save time and money, while also providing a better customer experience. Hugg used Gallabox's platform to increase trust, improve lead conversion, and enhance productivity while offering room for flexibility.

Play Well with Existing Tech Stack

Gallabox helped Hugg significantly reduce their overhead costs and manual redundancy with ready-to-use connectors. With Gallabox, Hugg created custom workflows that trigger messages based on specific events.

This saved Hugg and its team you a lot of time and effort, as they no longer had to manually send messages or update spreadsheets. Gallabox also helped them integrate seamlessly with popular platforms like Razorpay and Woocommerce, making it easy to add payment processing and e-commerce functionality to their website.

Making Support Operations

By leveraging the power of Gallabox, Hugg connected their Woocommerce and Google Sheets with ingenious formulas, they have been able to masterfully categorize which customer receives which message and precisely when.

But that's not all! Gallabox’s intelligent chatbots work around the clock enabling the team to deal with almost 800 queries a day with only a small team. These tireless digital assistants answer repetitive questions, freeing up human employees to focus on more complex tasks.


Harsh Doshi

Founder & CEO, Hugg Beverages


In today's world of instant gratification, the ability to answer customer queries quickly and accurately is not just an advantage, it's a necessity!

These chatbots didn't just answer questions. They also gathered data for lead qualification. That's like having an assistant who never sleeps -and never asks for a raise!

  1. 24/7 customer service? Check.
  2. Elevated customer satisfaction? Obviously!
  3. A streamlined operation with reduced overheads? You bet :)

Turning Conversations into Conversions with Gallabox

Hugg's conversion rates for first-time customers increased dramatically to over 30% after implementing Gallabox. They have been working diligently to improve their funnel, and it has certainly paid off!

Stripping away the clichéd rehearsed responses, Gallabox empowered Hugg with a fusion that was a perfect balance of personalisation and automation. In addition, they cleverly increased their quiz-to-sample purchases by 20% using Gallabox flows.

It appears that Hugg has been "hugging" success quite tightly with Gallabox!


Harsh Doshi

Founder & CEO, Hugg Beverages


We switched to Gallabox and never looked back! It's the perfect WhatsApp automation solution for businesses of all sizes. With its powerful automation and tracking features, we've been able to improve our customer support and handle more inquiries than ever before.

Ready to skyrocket your conversion rates with
Gallabox like Hugg?


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