Interakt vs. AiSensy: Deep Dive Analysis and Guide
Interakt vs. AiSensy: Deep Dive Analysis and Guide

Interakt vs. AiSensy: Deep Dive Analysis and Guide

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

Table of Contents

You've got your business off the ground and you're soaring comfortably through the clouds of success. You're reaching a bigger audience than ever before and conversations are flowing in consistently.

But then, BOOM!

You're bombarded with WhatsApp messages from customers and prospects alike, and your small team is quickly losing track of who said what and what needs to be done. It feels like a game of whack-a-mole gone horribly wrong.

At this point, you might be thinking, "Blimey! I need a WhatsApp Chatbot Platform to handle my WhatsApp business account pronto!" You're slapped with a gargantuan dilemma—the need to select the perfect WhatsApp automation platform.

To automate, or not to automate—that is the question.

Well, let’s clear, this isn't Hamlet's soliloquy, but selecting the best WhatsApp Automation Solution from the sea of options like Interakt vs. AiSensy (and a host of other automation tools crowding your inbox and chattering your peace away) can feel as dramatic.

But hey, we're here to help you dodge the bullet, erm… solve the dilemma. This blog is aimed right at the head of confusion, with a comprehensive analysis of some of the WhatsApp Automation market hotshots—Interakt and AiSensy, leaving no stone unturned.

All your answers to questions about Interakt and AiSensy are behind this closed doors, scroll on and keep reading the blog
Photo by Jason Dent / Unsplash

Interakt: Unveiling the Pros, Cons, and Pricing

Interakt has emerged as a go-to solution for businesses seeking to capitalise on WhatsApp-initiated customer interactions. With WhatsApp attaining a higher message opening rate than emails, it has become a crucial player in the marketing and communication mix, especially beneficial for consumer-focused tech startups managing regular order placements.

Let’s size up the nitty-gritty details of Interakt by dissecting its features, outlining its pros, and cons, and yes, cracking open the piggy bank to peek at its pricing model.

Pros of Interakt

Interakt is a powerful tool that can help businesses automate their customer communication. Here are some of its benefits:

1. Handles incoming queries from diverse platforms

Automatically responds to customer inquiries from websites, social media, and other channels, saving growing businesses a lot of time and effort.

2. Increases repeat purchases and recovers abandoned carts

Contributing to a solid WhatsApp dialogue, the tool has seen a doubling of repeat purchases via its impressive abandoned cart recovery feature.

3. Manages large-scale outbound campaigns effortlessly

Beyond the realm of inbound queries, Interakt effortlessly manages large-scale outbound campaigns as well. Its potent features allow businesses to manage multiple agent chats, collect and analyse feedback, and elevate the quality of customer interactions.

4. Simplifies customer management and sparks clear communication

The unified team inbox feature, coupled with automated responses, simplifies customer management, sparking clear and straightforward communication.

5. Keeps customers proactively informed about their order status

Interakt users specifically note how beneficial it has been in keeping customers informed about their orders and reducing inbound calls and status-related information requests.

Succinctly said, for businesses keen on riding the wave of customer communication efficiency through automation and proactive engagement on WhatsApp Business API, Interakt is a reliable ally.

Cons of Interakt

Listed below are some of the potential drawbacks of choosing Interakt as your WhatsApp Automation Partner.

1. Restricted Targeting Features

A section of users have pointed out that Interakt lacks the in-depth targeting capabilities seen in platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, which limits its effectiveness for them.

2. Steep Learning Curve

For all its features, learning to use Interakt can be a bit like trying to ride a unicycle while juggling; it takes a bit of practice!

3. Inefficient Analytics

Insinuates that the analytical capability of a platform is below par and needs improvement
Photo by Kaleidico / Unsplash

There are reports from users about complications in navigating the platform due to vague template approval rules and subpar analytics.

4. Complicated UI

The general consensus indicates a need for enhancement in the user interface, particularly the mobile app experience.

5. Poor Navigation

Most users seem to agree that the navigation capabilities of the platform might get you lost faster than a hedge maze at night.

Now, let's get down to brass tacks and talk about what’s hidden in the wallet.

Interakt Pricing

Interakt's pricing model comes in various layers.

Starting at the economical INR 999 exclusive of taxes monthly, you'd expect a fair deal. Upon a closer look, however, the picture becomes somewhat disconcertingly complex. Let's break it down:

  • The basic plan, while budget-friendly, lacks advanced marketing campaign features. Custom filters and user segmentation are conspicuous by their absence, compelling businesses to consider higher-tier plans.
  • Moreover, the chat automation features in the lower-tier plans are rather limited. Searching for automated custom replies? Dig deeper in your pocket and reach for their top-tier plans.
  • The crucial features of our age, such as WhatsApp chatbots and analytics, unfortunately, are relegated to the realm of pricey plans. And when it comes to the chatbot interface, be prepared for a lacklustre experience. It's less than impressive and could definitely do with a makeover.

And there you have it, folks – the good, the bad, and the pricey about Interakt!

AiSensy: Unraveling the Benefits, Drawbacks, and Costs

Right, we've traipsed through the kingdom of Interakt. Now, let's swing our quest torch towards AiSensy, another knight on the Whatsapp automation battlefield. Buckle in; it's going to be a bumpy ride.

So, what's cooking in the AiSensy world?

AiSensy, like an unsung superhero, swoops in to automate your customer interactions on WhatsApp. Complete with chatbot assistance, real-time conversation analytics, and campaign management features, it sets out to make your marketing journey as smooth as butter on hot toast.

What's Good About AiSensy

  • A chatbot interface faster than a pizza delivery guy
  • Quickie setup – you'll be up and running before you can say "AiSensy"
  • Integration options so you can meld it in with your current systems without much of a fuzz

And the AiSensy Drawbacks?

Alright, fair's fair. AiSensy isn’t exactly all sunshine, rainbows, and kittens. There's a small (or well, sizeable) issue with the learning curve. With loads of comprehensive features comes a bit of complexity, and getting the hang of things might feel a bit like wrestling a jellyfish.

  • WhatsApp Web Widget is a single-use feature where we can add elements like chat widgets to the website. However, once set, it could not be edited.
  • There have been reports from several users encountering hiccups and malfunctions within certain features of AiSensy like automated triggers.
  • Some users have reported encountering constraints with AiSensy, expressing sentiments that it may not have reached its full potential just yet.
  • Plus, did we already mention the colossal cost that might burn a hole in your pocket starting at INR 999 but adding up for every essential feature like bot flow? Because, ow.

How Heavy Will It Be on My Wallet?

The starting price for the Aisensy service is a modest INR 999 per month for the Basic Unlimited Users package. This offering encompasses limitless user messages, accompanied by 10 tags and 5 attributes. However, the pricing goes up from there to the "pro” package which seems a bit reachable.

However, the enterprise package with its sticker shock pricing may require you to sell a small island. Okay, well not really… but it's going to cost you a pretty penny nonetheless.

So while AiSensy can show you some flashy moves, the question of value for money can loom ominously above you like a dark cloud. Up next, let's jump right into the heart of this epic battle: Interakt vs. AiSensy vs. Gallabox! Stay tuned or rather, keep scrolling

Gallabox: Demystifying the Pros, Cons, and Pricing

Let's now turn our attention towards the virtual boxing ring where Gallabox, another contender in the versatile world of WhatsApp automation platforms, is about to make an entrance. Let's size up the competition, shall we?

In the blue corner, strapping on its gloves, is Gallabox: renowned for its customised interactions and user-friendly interface. If you're wondering why it's got a smile on its face, well, that's because Gallabox knows it's packing quite a punch! Let's take a careful look.

Strengths of Gallabox, AKA The Power Punches

Gallabox is a powerful WhatsApp automation platform that helps businesses of all sizes improve customer engagement, increase conversions, and automate their operational workflows. Some of its key strengths include:

1. AI-Powered WhatsApp Chatbot

Gallabox empowers businesses by automating their customer communications and delivering immediate replies via a user-friendly, no-code chatbot. This chatbot functionality seeks to enhance engagement and shorten response times by training itself with pre-written FAQs, automation, and bot flows.

2. Bulk Broadcasts that Improve Conversions

Gallabox offers businesses the ability to run personalised marketing campaigns specifically targeted at their diverse customer base. This ensures tailored interaction with different customer segments, enhancing communication effectiveness and significantly improving conversion rates.

3. Automated Yet Personalised Communication

The platform possesses an extraordinary ability to send automated, yet personalized drip campaigns based on specific triggers, customer responses and preferences. It's the Muhammad Ali of automation platforms with a nimble and swift, 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' approach when it comes to engagement!

4. User-Friendly Interface and Zero Learning Curve

Despite being a heavy hitter in terms of functionalities and customer obsession, it takes on a soft touch when it comes to user experience. Even a tech rookie can master it in no time. It’s like having your own coach in your corner, without the shouting.

5. E-Commerce Made Easy with WhatsApp Shops

With Gallabox, businesses can effortlessly link their e-commerce stores with WhatsApp. This innovative platform allows businesses to comfortably share product catalogues, launch customised marketing campaigns, and boost their upselling efforts.

6. Build Your Own Custom Business Chatbot

By making use of Gallabox, businesses have the opportunity to construct an automated chatbot, streamlining tasks such as customer service, sales, and marketing. Providing a suite of pre-set chatbot journeys tailored to diverse scenarios, Gallabox aims to ensure round-the-clock support.

7. Make the Most of Your Social Media Ads

Through Gallabox’s Click-to-WhatsApp-Ads, businesses can make the most of their interactive advertisements with clickable links, steering individuals straight towards a chat on WhatsApp. This characteristic serves to bolster lead acquisition, foster customer interaction and stimulate sales and conversions via engaging ads.

8. Improve Transparency with Shared Team Inbox

The shared team inbox offered by Gallabox provides a platform where several agents can collaborate. This nifty feature improves the distribution task and customer query amongst team members, a strategy designed to heighten efficiency and deliver unbroken customer service.

9. Multi-Channel Support that People Love and Trust

The number one reason people cite for loving Gallabox? Our customer service. We’re always here to help with real people offering chat support 5 days a week. Fancy chatting with your customers via Email, WhatsApp, or even a good old telephone call? Gallabox’s got your back!

10. Seamless Integration with Third-Party Apps

Gallabox's integration capabilities are highly praised by users. Its ability to connect with external tools, such as Zoho CRM, allows businesses to streamline their data exchange and chatbot workflows. Its integration-friendly nature ensures smooth and effective customer interactions, eliminates manual intervention, and improves accuracy.

Taking One on the Chin – Gallabox Cons

Like every boxing legend, Gallabox too has had to face a few punches that made it wince. But hey, scars only make our champ stronger, right? Let's look at those flies in the ointment.

  1. For businesses with a humongous customer base, getting up and running instantly might prove a bit of a wrestling match as it is still building integrations to become compatible with various enterprise platforms including EcWid and Paytm among others.
  2. A considerable number of users have voiced their lack of satisfaction with the content hosted on YouTube. These educational videos, unfortunately, fall short due to their age, leaving them out of sync with the contemporary version of Gallabox.

Laying Out the Gallabox Pricing Plan

With Gallabox, you'll find three distinct pricing structures starting from INR 2399, as well as a customisable package for corporate entities. Plus, there are no hidden add-on costs in their payment plans that can restrict features. Rather, it operates on a steady platform cost with conversation fees determined by your usage.

Don't be fooled into thinking the starter pack is bare-bones, though. Even the entry-level plan comes equipped with essential conversation and segmentation tools, paired with basic bot creation capabilities and integration alongside APIs.

What may surprise you is that Interakt and AiSensy, although seemingly "affordable", can cost you two to four times more annually while offering less functionality. Hence, Gallabox starts to shine as the cost-effective option and extends a more comprehensive tool portfolio as your business expands.

Adding to Gallabox's attraction are features like seamless out-of-the-box integrations, a dedicated support squad, and a product roadmap centred on customer needs. These assets amp up your potential to achieve your financial targets expeditiously.

If your priority lies simply in sending bulk messages, and the steep transaction costs don't bother you, then AiSensy or Interakt could serve your purpose.

In case, you're searching for an AI-powered WhatsApp Automation Platform that simplifies and reduces the expense of tapping into conversational commerce, irrespective of whether you're just getting started or rapidly expanding, Gallabox was designed with you in mind.

Sign up for a Gallabox free trial or request a demo to see how Gallabox can help scale your business sustainably.

A Head-to-Head Comparison of Interakt and AiSensy with Gallabox

Right, let's play a little game of 'spot the difference', shall we? It involves comparing Gallabox, Interakt, and AiSensy, and figuring out why our champion Gallabox is the unanimous pick of customers.

The hint? It's all up in the features! Here’s a nifty little comparison table!

Basic Conversational Capabilities that are Building Blocks of WhatsApp Conversational Automation Tool
Basic Conversational Capabilities that are Building Blocks of WhatsApp Conversation Automation Tools

In the journey of seeking ideal WhatsApp Automation Solutions, several basic conversational features take precedence. These include:

  • Conversation automation: Aids in efficient customer engagement, lessening the burden on teams.
  • Bulk messages: Allows targeted marketing or mass information delivery to customers.
  • Intelligent chatbots: Ensures ongoing customer interaction, tackling queries anytime, regardless of time zone or working hours.
  • Automated workflows: Saves significant time by handling repetitive tasks automatically.
  • WhatsApp widgets: For websites, allow customers to kickstart conversations directly from the site.

Harnessing these capabilities can bolster a business's customer engagement, increase responsiveness, and streamline efficiency in a big way.  

Critical WhatsApp Chatbot Platform Features that Boost Team Productivity and Efficiency
Critical WhatsApp Chatbot Platform Features that Boost Team Productivity and Efficiency

Crucial features in WhatsApp Automation Tools that help boost your team efficiency.

  • Team inbox: Allows all team members to access, manage and reply to messages, enabling better coordination and faster response times.
  • Roles and permissions: Helps establish a clear hierarchy and control over access levels, roles and permissions.
  • Agent statistics: Aids in tracking agent performance and productivity levels to make data-backed decisions.
  • Auto-chat assignments: Ensures even workload distribution among team members, enhancing productivity by ensuring no one is overwhelmed.
WhatsApp Marketing Features that Every WhatsApp Automation Platform Must Have
WhatsApp Marketing Features that Every WhatsApp Automation Platform Must Have

From real-time customer service to establishing a personal connection with potential customers, the importance of leveraging WhatsApp marketing cannot be overstressed.

  • User segmentation: Allows categorise audience into different groups based on various attributes, such as behavioral tendencies or demographics.
  • CTWA(Click-to-WhatsApp ads): Helps push interactive, user-specific ads that can be used to start a WhatsApp conversation.
  • Campaign execution: Helps run large campaigns to reach targeted audiences and offers tools to measure performance and optimise campaigns.
  • Personalised links: Directs users to relevant landing pages, increasing the chance of conversion while paving the way for better attribution.
A Comparison Table that Compares Advanced Conversational Features You Need to Look for in a WhatsApp Automation Tool
Advanced Conversational Features You Need to Look for in a WhatsApp Automation Tool

Advanced conversational features like AI-powered responses have become an indispensable tool for businesses, fanning the flames of customer relationship management and paid promotions.

  • AI-powered responses: Automates responses to frequently asked questions reducing wait times and expediting customer interactions.
  • Template message API: Offers pre-existing templates eliminating the need to write fresh messages and the long and dreary approval cycle.
  • Third-party integrations: Helps extend the platform's capabilities with seamless workflows and ready-to-use integrations.
  • Bot templates: Enables businesses to implement chatbots instantly and customise them to meet their unique needs.
Operational Expectations: Interakt vs. AiSensy vs. Gallabox
Features You Need to Look for in a WhatsApp Bot Platform to Find Tools that Meet Operational Expectations 

While all WhatsApp Chatbot Platforms to provide your business with automation efficiency, it's vital to understand the nuances of their operational features, which could heavily sway your decision.

  • Onboarding: This reflects how easy it is for users to start using a WhatsApp automation platform. Users usually prefer a platform that provides both self-serve and assisted onboarding options to cater to differing tech-savviness.
  • Support: Sound, omnichannel support (including WhatsApp, email, chat, online meetings, phone) is a must-have for businesses to solve problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Dedicated Account Manager: An accessible dedicated account manager provides businesses with personalised support and guidance to optimise the use of the platform.
  • Actionable insights: A good platform not only builds bridges between business and customers but can also provide valuable conversational and campaign analytics that can further boost overall business performance.

Why Customers Are Making the Switch from Interakt or AiSensy to Gallabox

First, it's essential to mention that all these platforms—Gallabox, Interakt, and AiSensy—provide essential WhatsApp automation features. We’re talking multi-agent support, auto-response facilities, session handling, multilingual support, and the works.

But then, why does Gallabox reign supreme in the battle of the bots? For the answer, let’s hear from the customers who made the switch from one of these platforms to Gallabox.

“In the past, our initial WhatsApp provider failed to meet our needs, lacking key features such as automated response capabilities, Google Sheets integration, as well as performance tracking and customer response verification. Given the influx of customer queries via WhatsApp, these limitations posed a significant hurdle for us which was solved with the help of Gallabox.”

– Harsh Doshi, Founder and CEO, Hugg Beverages

1. Raving Reviews and Retention Rate

The glowing reviews of Gallabox across various software review platforms unequivocally affirm its position within the elite top 1% of online companies possessing satisfied customers. A simple Google search will readily provide insight into Gallabox’s stellar reputation!

2. A Support Team that’s Always Ready to Help

Gallabox emerges as a refreshing alternative in the realm of popular WhatsApp Automation tools. Not only is their pricing fair, but they also boast of swift and excellent tech support that’s keen to help customers no matter what the issue is!

When you stack these differences against Interakt and AiSensy, it’s clear that Gallabox is playing in a league of its own. While it offers everything that both Interakt and AiSensy do, Gallabox goes the extra mile with additional features and tools. It's like jumping from economy to first-class.

The Final Verdict: Neither Interakt Nor AiSensy, Gallabox Takes the Crown

Alright, folks, the moment of reckoning has arrived... the time to finally roll out the red carpet and crown our winner. After a nail-biting face-off, dissecting the pros and cons, wrestling with features, and comparing the bang for your buck, the resounding verdict is...drumroll, please... Gallabox!

Yes, neither Interakt nor AiSensy could outshine Gallabox in this epic quest for the best WhatsApp automation platform. Now, don't get us wrong, both Interakt and AiSensy have their merits. Both platforms impress us with their agile features and competitive pricing.

However, when it comes to handling the rigours of modern communication— serving customers efficiently, managing multiple channels, and delivering an AI-powered yet personalised service — Gallabox has shown that it's got the right mix of features, value for money, and customer satisfaction.

Here's a fun fact: Gallabox didn't become the reigning champ just because it brings a host of features to the table.


It takes the lead because it listens to you, understands your business, and smoothly fits in like the missing puzzle piece.

So, if you're still wrestling with the Interakt vs AiSensy conundrum, it might be time to step outside this binary. Gallabox, as the worthy Interakt alternative or an AiSensy alternative, opens avenues of opportunities for you to meaningfully communicate with your customers - without breaking the bank or breaking a sweat.

So, in conclusion, go on and take Gallabox for a free 7-day spin; no strings attached. Who knows? You might just find that perfect automation partner you've been searching for all along.

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

Shivasankari BhuvaneswaranTwitter

Content Strategist | Storyteller | Copywriter | SEO Enthusiast | Tone of Voice Consultant | Writing Coach | All Things Content @ Gallabox |