WhatsApp Green Tick: An Ultimate Guide for 2024
WhatsApp Green Tick: An Ultimate Guide for 2024

WhatsApp Green Tick: An Ultimate Guide for 2024


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In today’s competitive market, trust and brand reputation have become major factors in determining the success of businesses. Since WhatsApp has started to play a big part in business communications, it is paramount for brands to use the application to its full potential. One factor linked with increased trust among your customer base is the 'Green Tick' verification. So, what exactly is it and how does it benefit your business?

What is the green tick on WhatsApp business?

First of all, the WhatsApp green tick verification is different from WhatsApp API verification. To get a WhatsApp green tick, you need to get your business successfully verified by WhatsApp. After the verification, your business profile will have a green tick next to it. This green tick makes your WhatsApp business account into an official business account that lets customers know that your business is genuine and trustworthy.

Benefits of getting a "WhatsApp Green Tick" for your business

As a business owner, you might be wondering if a verified business account would yield many benefits, and that is a valid question. So, let’s look at the most critical advantages that the Green Tick offers in the following points:

  • By becoming a verified business account with a Green Tick, you can limit the number of times your business gets blocked or reported by users.
  • Since customers trust a genuine business, they are more likely to read business-initiated messages and opt-in to receive your communications.
  • A verified badge can also build trust in WhatsApp communities & help build a strong following in a location or domain.
  • Since customers will be able to see your brand’s name even without saving your number, a verified badge will be a powerful tool that can help your overall branding & marketing strategy.

What is the difference between a verified and a non-verified WhatsApp Business account?

The following are some differences between a verified account and a non-verified business account.

  • A verified WhatsApp Business account will have a green tick mark next to its name.
  • All verified WhatsApp businesses will use WhatsApp API since the verification process can only be done by businesses with a WhatsApp API account.
  • If the recipient doesn’t save a non-verified business’ contact number, only their number will be displayed. However, the brand name of a verified WhatsApp Business profile will be shown.
  • Verified WhatsApp Business accounts will have chat thread headers in their profiles.
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Ways to get your WhatsApp Business Account verified

Now that you’ve seen the benefits of a verified WhatsApp Business account, let’s look at how you can get your WhatsApp Business verified.

Through WhatsApp

You can get your business verified for free directly through WhatsApp Business API by following these simple steps

  • Go to your WhatsApp Business manager & select your registered mobile number.

Note: If you have more than one number, choose the number that you predominantly use for business communications.

  • Turn on 2-step verification for the phone number.
  • Add the profile details such as profile picture, display name, category & description.
  • Click on the ‘Submit Request’ button on the profile screen.
  • Add the reason for requesting the green tick and provide 5 links that show why the business is notable in your area/field.
  • Once all the details are added, WhatsApp will review them and get back to you in 1 to 2 weeks.

Through WhatsApp business solution providers

Another method to get your business account verified is by partnering with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP). A WhatsApp BSP is a company that is officially recognized by WhatsApp to provide WhatsApp Business API integration, tools & support. If you’re currently using a BSP to manage your WhatsApp business account, you can always ask them for a green tick verification. The process of WhatsApp ‘green tick’ verification will differ from BSP to BSP & some of them will charge you for the verification process.

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Green tick verification process in WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business green tick: Eligibility criteria for 2024

The green tick verification can provide excellent benefits to businesses. However, not all businesses are eligible for applying to become an official WhatsApp Business account. To apply for a green tick:

  • You must be a business with more than one person.
  • You must use WhatsApp Business API.
  • You must enable 2-step verification.
  • You should have a verified Business account on Facebook.
  • You should also ensure to reach Tier 2 messaging level in WhatsApp.

To ensure that businesses do not spam their customers & ensures quality customer communications, WhatsApp uses a Tier method to limit the number of users that a business can initiate communications with. There are basically 4 Tiers and they are

  • Tier 1: Send messages to 1000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.
  • Tier 2: Send messages to 10,000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.
  • Tier 3: Send messages to 100,000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.
  • Tier 4: Send messages to unlimited unique customers in a 24-hour period.

Note: This is only for business-initiated conversations, you can freely reply to an unlimited number of customer messages without worry.

  • You must also have good brand awareness & have a strong website with external links to reputed domains.
  • You must also have a good number of followers (10,000+) on Facebook & Instagram.
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How does a WhatsApp Business Solutions Partners like Gallabox help with Green Tick verification

WhatsApp looks at your business’ online/offline reputation & messaging quality during your official WhatsApp Business account verification process. While a WhatsApp Business Solutions Partner like Gallabox cannot help manage your offline reputation, they can assist you with the verification process and provide critical help with three major steps in the verification process. They are:

Display Name Assistance

WhatsApp reviews your business’ display name to ensure that it complies with its policies before your green tick verification. A good BSP can help review your display name and make sure that (i) it is related to your domain & (ii) it adheres to WhatsApp’s Commerce & Business policies. Gallabox will also review your display name against Facebook’s display name guidelines. This can save you precious time & effort.

Business Verification

As touched upon earlier, Gallabox and other WhatsApp BSPs can help you shorten your business verification process by taking care of the complete process including domain & ID verification. Since BSPs are official WhatsApp partners, they can also help you with the official documents that you need to provide for verification & raise red flags by spotting any misleading information that may be present.

Online Reputation Management

One of the significant reasons you need to choose a WhatsApp BSP is that they can provide you with tips for effective online reputation management strategies. For instance, Gallabox can guide your brand’s social media strategies, especially with respect to Facebook & Instagram as they have a huge influence on your WhatsApp business verification. Since most BSPs have experience with WhatsApp business verifications, they are perfectly poised to offer effective recommendations for maintaining and improving your online reputation.

So, there are benefits to partnering with a good WhatsApp Business Solutions Provider. However, you need to make sure that you are getting the most value for your money. If you are choosing a BSP for your green tick verification, choose a partner who doesn’t charge you for the process. Gallabox, one of the leading WhatsApp workplace solutions providers in India, doesn’t charge you for your WhatsApp green tick verification. Our team also provides excellent tips for boosting your chances of becoming an official WhatsApp Business account.

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WhatsApp green tick: FAQs

Do I need to pay any money to verify my account?

When it comes to the green tick verification, the fees differ from one Business Solution Provider to the next. With Gallabox, we don’t add additional charges for WhatsApp green tick verification. However, it is important to understand that WhatsApp API is not free and WhatsApp uses a conversation-based pricing structure to charge business owners. You can read our blog post on WhatsApp API pricing to learn more.

How long does it take to get a verified WhatsApp account?

In general, WhatsApp takes one-to-two days to process the request for verification. If there are some revisions or other complications, it might take around one or two weeks.

Can I verify my WhatsApp without a phone number?

In short ‘No’, you cannot verify your WhatsApp Business account without a registered phone number. Therefore, it is a critical necessity for WhatsApp Businesses verification.

Is it possible to get a verified business account without any third-party services?

Yes, you can directly apply for an official WhatsApp Business account using the WhatsApp Business manager. But it is important to note that it might take a little longer to get verified.

List of industries not eligible for WhatsApp green tick

If you are a business owner and are looking for a WhatsApp green tick verification, you need to note that there are several industries that are not eligible for application. They are as follows:

  • Alcohol, Drugs & Tobacco Businesses
  • Gambling Businesses
  • Weapons & Ammunition Businesses
  • Live Animals
  • Adult Product/Service Providers
  • Medical & Healthcare Products
  • Dating Agencies
  • Cryptocurrency Brands & Traders

You can check out more information about this list & the eligibility criteria at WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy page.

Start a hassle-free verification process for your WhatsApp business account with Gallabox today!

A verified WhatsApp Business account can do wonders for businesses in any domain since it breeds trust & reliability. This is crucial in today’s ever-changing world where customers need to be assured that brands & businesses can satisfy their needs. To make your ‘Green Tick’ verification process fast & hassle-free, you can reach out to the experts at Gallabox. With Gallabox, your business will be able to get excellent support for WhatsApp API verification & integration. We also provide excellent assistance for WhatsApp chatbots & other custom applications.

Further reading

Here are a few other articles you might be interested in:

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Thanks for being here : ) I’m Nihal - #TheSaaSGuy So much in love with SaaS that I end up bringing every conversation to SaaS products. Sometimes also convinces you on purchasing a few.