WhatsApp Payments: Types, Pros, Cons, and Steps to Implement
WhatsApp Payments: Types, Pros, Cons, and Steps to Implement

WhatsApp Payments: Types, Pros, Cons, and Steps to Implement

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

Table of Contents

In the rapid-paced realm of e-commerce and service sectors, the mantra 'Cash is King' couldn't be more perfect, especially for small and medium businesses. Swiftly collecting payments, in full and on time is integral to keeping their cash flow intact.

The Indian market is no exception in this scenario, as customer expectations continue to evolve over time. Most consumers today seek quick, easy, and secure digital modes of payment which keep up with their changing buying habits.

Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king. - Alan Miltz

And most customers prefer to complete their purchase and pay for their offering at a platform where they are most active! Yes, we're talking about WhatsApp, a platform that has become synonymous with day-to-day communication.

And, truth be told, this isn't some utopian dream.

Meta has bestowed upon us WhatsApp Payments exclusively for the Indian market, morphing this dream into a joyous reality.

Backed by numerous prominent Indian banks and payment applications, UPI is expected to take up more than half of all digital payments in 2024.

If implemented right, businesses could smoothly transition to accepting payments on WhatsApp, thereby accelerating their payment cycle.

This article will dive deep into the phenomenon of WhatsApp Payments, from understanding Native WhatsApp Payments to implementing it for an expedited payment cycle.

WhatsApp Pay: What It Is and How It Works‌

A Snapshot of What WhatsApp Payments Powered by Gallabox Looks Like

‌Native WhatsApp Payment is a feature that allows businesses receive money from their customers directly through the WhatsApp. It is an in-app payment system that uses Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and payment gateways to facilitate seamless transactions that help resolve the cash flow problems faced by growing businesses.

Making E-Commerce Easy with WhatsApp Pay

WhatsApp Pay is best suited for eCommerce stores or retail vendors as this feature allows businesses to create a catalogue of their products and display it on their WhatsApp Business Profile.

Build your Shop on WhatsApp | Start selling in no time | Gallabox
Create your WhatsApp Shop instantly and bring a new level of convenience & interactivity to eCommerce on WhatsApp.

Customers, interested in any products offered by an e-commerce store, can be led to this catalogue, pick and add their desired items to the cart, and proceed to pay directly via WhatsApp Pay's instant payment feature.‌

Build Your WhatsApp Shop with Gallabox

‌What stands out here is that a WhatsApp Chatbot is automatically triggered to process the customer's payment hence eliminating the time-consuming process of creating unique payment links.‌

‌Simplifying Payment Collection for Service-Based Businesses

Service-based businesses ranging from edtech startups to travel businesses can embrace this feature by listing prices for their services on their WhatsApp Business Account. ‌

Seamless Payment Collection on WhatsApp Powered by Gallabox

‌Prospective or existing customers can then view the services offered, prices, and pay for them directly using WhatsApp Pay. Like the first method, even here, a bot is activated to complete the transaction quickly and efficiently.

Different Types of WhatsApp Payments

If we were to break down the actual workings of WhatsApp Pay, it could come down to two types: Native WhatsApp Payments aka UPI and Payment Gateways.

  1. WhatsApp UPI

WhatsApp UPI is a real-time money transfer mechanism that allows transactions between any two Indian bank accounts. Its major draw is its instant nature, which speeds up the payment process.

You can either use it with a WhatsApp Business Profile or even with your WhatsApp Business API.

However, the use of UPI might limit international transactions and other payment options like card, pay later, and more.

Actionable Insights on Payments Collected Through WhatsApp

‌2. Payment Gateways

The alternative method is using a payment gateway like Razorpay or PayU to collect payments. ‌
‌This can enabled through WhatsApp Automation Platforms like Gallabox that authorise payments processing for  service-based businesses and online retailers. While it is simple and convenient, it may include additional service charges applied by the gateway provider.

Here’s a table that depicts that pros and cons of each method in a detailed way.‌

This table show the difference between two major WhatsApp Payment Types: WhatsApp UPI & Payment Gateway

‌How to Collect Payments on WhatsApp?

To make full use of these features, getting your business set up with Native WhatsApp Payments is key. Here's the step by step process of enabling WhatsApp Payments for your business profile.

1. Setting Up WhatsApp UPI

To start accepting payments through WhatsApp UPI, you need WhatsApp business account, ensuring your bank supports UPI, and verifying your account. Once done, transactions can be initiated and received in a hassle-free manner.

Enabling WhatsApp UPI payments and sharing unique payment links on a platform like Gallabox is pretty easy. Our help document will give you an idea of how it works.

2. Connecting Payment Gateways

If you're an Indian business using Gallabox with Indian phone numbers, you can access Gallabox's exclusive list of native payment gateway integrations.

And while you're at it, read through WhatsApp Business Compliance for India carefully, as it has the power to make or break your process of building and establishing a business empire on WhatsApp. ‌

One-Click WhatsApp Payments Enabled by Razorpay and WhatsApp Integration

Gallabox offers a seamless integration with a wide range of third-party payment processors like Razorpay, PayU, and more.

If you already have an account with these providers, our team can swiftly link your account with your WhatsApp, paving the way for quick and efficient payment collection. To activate this feature on your account, simply reach out to our customer success team who'd be delighted to assist you.

Offer a Seamless Shopping Experience on WhatsApp

Native WhatsApp Payments could not just provide a boost to payment cycles but also enhance your customer interactions and overall business profits. Payments made easy and efficient - will become your new mantra for exponential growth.

WhatsApp Payments equip Indian businesses for the future, one transaction at a time.

Gallabox is glad to be play a small yet substantial role in enabling it. If you’re interested in understanding how Gallabox can help scale your business, go ahead and take our product for a free spin for a week!

WhatsApp AutomationAnnouncement
Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

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